Was pleased to get this copy of Spillway #28 in the mail a couple days ago. Lots of good poetry on the inside . . . This is a dream poem from my forthcoming book, One for Sorrow. I’ve been told it’s cheap to write about dreams, but I rather think of dreams as poems we write when sleeping. This particular one was somewhat nightmarish. I had another dream poem, “Dead People Don’t Dream Hamburgers” (keep reading) published this month in Eunoia Review.

Eunoia Review is an online journal based in Singapore with a large readership, and I was very grateful they accepted these three poems, including a prose poem, “Dead People Don’t Dream Hamburgers,” also from my book. Please click on the links to read the poems, and check out my main page for links to many of my online pieces.

Amethyst Review also published some poems this month, two mystical pieces.

I make these half-assed promos for social, but decided I could share them full-sized here, and generally, when someone goes to a blog, they need something to look at. The only thing they all have in common is I try not to spend too much time on them. Most are cobbled together from my own photos, but I have been known to tinker with stock photos. I think if I could say one true thing about death, this passage about absence is IT.