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Dancing Backwards Towards Pluperfect – Now Shipping!

Dancing backwards towards pluperfect
by Koss
Published by Diode Editions
Shipping in October 2024
Dancing Backwards Towards Pluperfect is a poetic assemblage of a life sown outside the predictability of middle-class, straight America, one where the aftermath of repeated trauma and loss is allayed by unexpected moments of connection, empathy, and love.
Koss pens inventive textual routes through life transits, forging head-on through the debris with unflinching vision and grit in a timbre that shifts from existential dread to dark comedy. Part dirge and part survival story, Dancing Backwards transmutes the rubble of trauma, abandonment, grief, and suicide loss into a queer, hybrid elixir, their lived story worthy of telling.
Blog Posts
Book Review Dancing Backwards Toward Pluperfect | Carla Sarett | Trampoline Poetry
Carla Sarett wrote a beautiful book review of Dancing Backwards and Trampoline Poetry published it. It is a very thorough and generous review—I’m sure you will enjoy it. Note that their reviews seems to be loaded on one page, one after the other, so if you arrive on my page in the far future, you […]
Review of Dancing Backwards Towards Pluperfect by Erin Vachon
Very pleased and honored by this very queer book review of Dancing Backwards Towards Pluperfect by Erin Vachon and published in Moist Poetry. Aside from the flattering recommendation, it’s nice to see my work resonating with other queers. And I agree that we need queer poetry right now more than ever as our basic civil […]
Interview (RE) An Ideas Journal, Kristine Esser Slentz
Very grateful for this interview in (Re) An Ideas Journal, today. Thank you, Kristine Esser Slentz for your time and thoughtfulness in this interview. And thank you, Felice Neals and H.E. Fisher (editors) for the publication. So honored! We talk about grief, healing, trauma, religion, and writing queer and working class. Be sure to read […]
Book Review | Barton Smock | Kings of Train
Pleased and surprised to find this lyrical book review by Barton Smock, a brilliant language-kind-of-poet with a heart. Barton published one of the poems (the last long list poem) in Isacoustic, his journal, a few years ago. Find the review here.
Book Review: Heterodox Haiku by Jerome Berglund
Very surprised and grateful for this spicy book review by Jerome Berglund in Heterodox Haiku. It makes me feel good when someone gets pleasure out of reading my work. Here is a little excerpt, but please, if you have a few minutes, check it out here. And check out the ‘zine while you’re there!
Review | Dancing Backwards Towards Pluperfect in New Pages by Jami Macarty
Jami Macarty wrote a fabulous review of Dancing Backwards Towards Pluperfect which was published on New Pages today! She expertly wove quotes from the review into an insightful, seamless, and clever. Makes you kind of want to buy it. Find it here on Diode’s site, or purchase a signed copy from me (include a note […]
Welcome to 2025 – Is Social Media Dead?
Welcome to 2025 and the lotta things hanging over us… And David Lynch just died. I hope he went out gently. It’s interesting, sort of, to see what he meant to different people. Blue Velvet was one of the most disturbing movies I’ve ever seen. I felt disturbed for days by the scissors scene… And […]
Best Small Fictions 2025 | Midway Journal
I’m honored and grateful to receive a Best Small Fictions nomination from Midway Journal for a flash piece, “No One Knew,” one of my most-read pieces, published in 2024. Find the other nominees in this promo…
Interview | Anti-Heroin Chic | James Diaz
James Diaz was kind to interview me about my book. We discuss grief, grandmas, metaphors, and humor. Find it here!
Interview – Write or Die Magazine – Katie Jean Shinkle – Koss
Honored to have an interview with Katie Jean Shinkle in Write or Die Magazine. We talk about queerness, Michigan, and grief. Read it here and find out more about Katie Jean and her new book, Tannery Bay, co-authored with Stephen Dunn on her website.
2024 Koss Publications – End-of-Year Report
(6 minute read) Thank you for visiting. I’ve decided to post this early because I’m not expecting to have any more publications this year. Some folks do an “eligibility post” because of nominations. To skip to the link list, click here. Republished pieces are clearly marked with a bold “reprint” and many are new. I’m […]
Publishing Day – Dancing Backwards Towards Pluperfect
Today (October 30th) is the birth of my official Scorpio poetry book (I didn’t plan this), Dancing Backwards Towards Pluperfect, published by Diode Editions. It’s now shipping, and if you pre-ordered, you probably already received yours. Note I am a bit late in posting this as I have been giving myself a post-election breather. I’m […]
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