September is here, and I thought I’d share a few thoughts as eclipse season approaches.

Along with some publications the past few months, I received some finalist news, a couple personal and professional blows, and some Best of the Net nominations for art! As is always the case, success comes in small packets and with plenty of rejection. I feel very grateful for all of it, even the non-wins as they give me perspective, and also for the small and wonderful community I’ve been invited into online−folks who help sustain me and make writing worthwhile. Having a community, plus lit and art things to look forward to has kept me going through losses, through COVID, and through some of the most difficult times of my life. I’m so very grateful for this.
Feeling bad for those impacted by the hurricane. I hope you and yours are safe.

I have been in a Granta memoir workshop which lasts ’til mid-November, so I haven’t been very active on social. With the election coming, this is a good time to not be on it, to be honest. I’ve lived through too much as a queer at election time to be open to any ‘splaining by ANYONE. I don’t have the emotional energy for it this time around. For me, this feels like the most existential of elections in my lifetime. That’s all I have to say.
‘Nuff of my discursions, I promised some updates, so here they are in a digestible list with links where appropriate. Happy fall to you and sending you love and wishes for joy, peace, painless and purposeful eclipses, safety, and good health. Thank you, as always, for stopping by.
2024 3rd Quarter Koss Stuff
- Kristine Esser Selentz’s important Exhibit book release (I was fortunate to contribute a blurb).
- Diode’s Substack publishing of my poem “Molotov Mother.”
- Anti-Heroin Chic published my poem, “Living With Dead Poets,” a tribute to Paula Harris.
- Hyacinth Review published my poem, “Interrupta: Two.”
- Two poems published in Fallen, edited by Jimmy Broccoli, then changed to Lilith.
- Received Best of the Net nomination for cover art from Gone Lawn.
- Prose poem about my ass in Ran Off With the Star Bassoon.
- List poem appeared in Red Ogre Review anthology.
- Cover art nominated for Best of the Net by The Memezine.
- Best of the Net 2024 finalist for art published in Sage Cigarettes.
- Best of the Net nomination for erasure/collage/drawing in Diode last year.
- Upcoming reading with Midway Journal in Chicago at the Art Center (Oct. 24).
- Upcoming reading with The European Salon (Oct. 7).
- Thin Places and Sacred Spaces anthology released (I have work in it).
- A bunch of rejections (on sub hiatus now−am satiated).
- My book, Dancing Backwards Towards Pluperfect is in. I will be selling signed copies here (very soon), but it is also available to purchase on Diode’s site. Note I will also be selling some prints of my visual poetry and other works in bundles (soon).
- I will be on an upcoming Eat the Storms podcast (out of Ireland). More details soon! Check out my previous one from a couple years ago here.
- I did an interview with Katie Jean Shinkle for Write or Die that will be published in October. If you haven’t checked out Write or Die, they are happening!
Ⓒ Koss, 2024. All rights reserved.