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Kim (published in Cincinnati Review and Best Small Fictions 2020)
I Heard a Fly Buzz by Emily Dickinson (read by Koss with some digitized enhancements)
poem read by Koss
Magpies Dazzling (published in Lunch Ticket)
Molotov Mother (published in The Racket)
Loss (published in Rogue Agent)
Core Values/Interview Poem (Published in Outlook Springs)
If William Burroughs Were Your Secretary (Published in Outlook Springs)
Hue Sung, a poem by Koss (published in Red Ogre Review)
Conversions: I Appeared in Your Suicide Dream (published in Spillway)
Rescission: Nine Months In: May 11, May 12 (published in Diode Poetry)
In Other Countries (published in Anti-Heroin Chic)
Holy Jesus-free Bingo Hall (published in Moist Poetry Journal)
Through the Body’s Bramble (published in Feral Poetry)