So honored to get another Best of the Net nomination (for poetry this time). Kissing Dynamite has been good to me. Check out all their nominations on their site. The poem that was nominated is “A Dyke Cowgirl Takes Herself on a Covid Taco Bell Date.” They made this part of their Featured Poet series. Related posts are the “Featured Poet,” another publication with them, “Ensnared, Discarded,” and a link about my Bending Genres fiction nomination. I feel so very blessed, especially after having a very rough year. These journals have both been very good to me.
Koss Blog
Prelude Magazine – a Koss poem
Very honored to have this poem, which has had a hard life, in Prelude Magazine. It’s called “Slippery Gods, Not Things” and, well, you just need to click and read it. More art coming soon. Promise. And maybe I’ll even get some up to sell in the near future.
Poem | TV | Rat’s Ass Review
Happy to have a second poem published in Rat’s Ass Review on 10-27-2021. This issue is full of great writers and has a lovely cover (I’ll update this when I’m not so tired). Read it here, and, of course, here’s an album cover, although I fear I soon won’t have time to make these, half-assed as they might be. Also, check out this other post that includes Cherry Tomatoes in Singing Bowl (the other poem published by Rat’s Ass Review) or just read the poem on their site. Lots of good things happening in October. Peace.
Asemic Art
Finished a couple pieces and am playing around with another asemic art or writing piece. The big-nosed magpie on board is finished. I posted it earlier. I’m still playing around with drawing/writing on crossword puzzles. Used a fixative, but am struggling with (albeit intrigued by) how media behaves on the cheap newsprint/manila paper. Conjures memory of hauling around huge sketchpads as an undergrad. So consider it an in-progress shot. The hare poem is now finished (an earlier state posted in another blog post. The original poem was called “Shoulder Story” and published in Rogue Agent. I shortened it, cut it up, and used it in the piece. I like that there’s a weird positive/negative play and the large black shape could be a womb, a black flower, or a fist. The stem might be entrails . . .
Eat the Storms Poetry Podcast
Episode 13, Season 3. This is tomorrow (Saturday, 10-2-2021) and I’m reading (or I did a recording). I’m the only Yank. Everyone else, I believe, reads beautifully with their gorgeous UK, non-midwestern accents. I left several flaws so as not to offend the gods, although I regret it a bit seeing who else is reading. Find it at: @EatTheStorms is available on 12 platforms including @Spotify #Anchor @ApplePodcasts @Podbean #Breaker#Google#PlayerFM @Pocketcast @CastBox @itunes @radio_public #overcast#Hosted and #Produced by @damiboy.