Happy summer and happy Pride! I hope you’re tan, active, and gay (one way or another). I thought I was finished publishing last report, but I got a second wind and took some workshops, so I will have a few things more in the coming months in addition to my chapbook publication in the fall.
You can find links to my latest publications and events on my unlinktree page, but it’s subject to change—and, for the most part, the blog pages will stay.

My good news as of yesterday is my micro fiction (or short flash), “The Short Lives of Wombats,” published in Moon Park Review, was a finalist for the Wigleaf Top 50. I’ll definitely call it a win, and am grateful to everyone involved in the selection and the publication. It’s a queer piece, so extra happy Pride month. MoonPark had four or five publications longlisted and one winner (also a queer piece).
My publications since the last update are as follows:
- “No One Knew,” a flash in Midway Journal
- A bunch of micros in Mythic Picnic
- A poem about labor and environment in Bulb Culture Collective
- Mini interview in Bulb Culture Collective about writing process
- Poem, “The Sounds of Night Instead,” in Hyacinth Review
- Cover art in Memezine’s Slop Issue
- Book cover design for Lannie Stabile’s new poetry book
- Online feature of asemic art from MER
- Wigleaf Top 50 longlist
I have publications forthcoming in summer and fall from Amethyst Review’s anthology, Hyacinth, Chiron, Fallen (an anthology), Anti-Heroin Chic, and Ran Off With the Star Bassoon (a Rogan Kelly project, Session 3).
On other fronts, I just finished some branding work for Kathy Fish, an extraordinary flash writer and teacher. Check her out on Twitter and sign up for her amazing Substack craft newsletter here. There are free and paid versions—the paid is like a master class. I’ve taken her workshops and she had an amazing way of getting writers to tap into memory (plus, plenty of other tricks).

And if you need a website or some graphics (or a book trailer) done, please contact me on social. I need to set up another contact form, hopefully soon! That’s all for now. Thanks for checking in and enjoy your summer.