Very pleased to receive this Best Small Fictions 2025 nomination from Midway Journal. Thank you, Ralph Pennell and editors for this honor. Other nominees are as follows:
- Barbara Lock – “State Change”
- Katie Dickson – “The Midway”
- Gabrielle Griffis – “Entrainment Dream”
- Meg Pokrass and Amy Marques – “The Inheritance”
My flash story can be found on the Midway Journal site here. Also see my piece, “Kim” published in Cincinnati Review that was included in the 2020 Best Small Fictions anthology.
My earliest writing was fiction, then flash fiction which I discovered through Maxine Chernoff when I was at SAIC, so even though I’ve published way more poetry, I have thought of myself as a fiction writer… So it’s nice to have these honored. You can find more fiction links on my publications page. Thanks for stopping by.